XinZhiZao Manufacturing Fault Localization

Xinzhizao intallation and register

The role of the update log

The role of the feedback log

The role of restart report

The function of boardview

Mobile phone switch signal point

Method of adding sub account

Instructions for 3 users

Application of search function in maintenance

Application of schematic diagram in maintenance

Application of rotation function in maintenance

Application of mirror display function

Application of location map in maintenance

Application of full screen display in maintenace

Application of doulble-displaying function

Application of cross cursor in maintenance

Application of component labeling drawing

Application of board layer wiring in maintenance

Application of Diode Value in Maintenance

How to promote xinzhizhao

Use of redemption codes

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香港鑫迅维科技有限公司(Hong Kong XinXunWei Technology Limited)   Certificate No: 74538845-000-10-22-6
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