Up To 2025-02-12, XZZ Released Total Model As Fellowing | |
Phone | Schematic 15634 PCS ↑ |
Boardview 3318 PCS ↑ | |
PCB layer 1967 PCS ↑ | |
PC | Schematic 40370 PCS ↑ |
Boardview 16062 PCS ↑ | |
MacBook 2047 PCS ↑ |
Mobile Phone/Computer Maintenance Query System:
Worlds largest maintenance database website. We made a maintenance software for laptop and smartphone in many languages version, it includes circuit diagram,PCB Layer,schematic, bitmap and maintenance cases for the following products.Smartphone includes all iPhone、Samsung、XIAOMI、OPPO、VIVO、MOTO、ONEPLUS、GOOGLE...,Laptop includes Apple, Lenovo, Dell, Hp, Samsung...VIP(all functions)only need less than 0.1 dollar per day.

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